A letter to remember…
This Spring Primrose Hospice would love the opportunity to share a story with all our patients, families and supporters.
This story is Ray and Margaret’s story.
Ray started coming to Primrose Hospice’s support groups in March 2021 after his wife Margaret died. Ray and Margaret had been married for 51 years, so as you may be able to imagine he felt lost.
Ray recently wrote us a special letter some of which we would like to share with you…a letter to remember.
“I have been coming to Primrose Hospice & Family Support Centre for a year now, since I lost my wonderful and beautiful wife Margaret in January 2021.
Margaret was ill for around four months, during which time she wanted more than anything to be at home, with me. So, even though it was physically and mentally the hardest thing I have ever done, I wanted to care for her and I still cherish the memories I have of her during that time.
After she died, I was bereft, not only from the difficult challenge of caring for someone at the end of their life, which I can tell you is all consuming, but also from the overwhelming grief at her loss.”
“Margaret had been the love of my life.
We met at 13 and were pretty much inseparable ever since. We travelled the world on our holidays and raised our wonderful family together in Redditch. We wrote each other so many letters and she was my favourite person to talk to. Right up to the end we spent many long nights talking and putting the world to rights.”
“However, once she died, I felt lonely and isolated, finding it hard to open up to my family and friends about her. In fact, I found it almost impossible.
This is why I am so grateful that Primrose Hospice got in touch to ask if I would like to join their bereavement support group. I was hesitant at first, I knew I needed something, but I thought a hospice was a place for sick people and that the group would be full of chatty women!
However, going along to that meeting was the best thing I ever did. Of course, there were a few chatty ladies, but I was pleased to learn I wasn’t the only man there.
Primrose Hospice, and the group, helped me open up about Margaret and somehow I could talk about her again.
It’s such a comfort to know I can share things with people who know what I’m going through as often they might be feeling the same! I never feel like I am a burden to them, or they to me, and it gives me the strength I need to help me support those around me who need me now more than ever.”
Could you help us to support more people like Ray?
With the impact of the Covid pandemic only being compounded by rising costs and economic uncertainty, we need your support more than ever. Your donation will help ensure that we are here to support more people like Ray, for as long as we are needed.
Do you know someone that would benefit from pre or post bereavement support?
Primrose Hospice can support you.
Our Family Support Services offer support to adults and children including a Counselling Service, Benefits Advice and Complementary Therapy. We support anyone, both adults and children who are bereaved regardless of whether their loved one has accessed our services.
Find out more about our adult family support services here or contact our team:
T: 01527 889799
Read more about bereavement support and why it is important here: primrosehospice.org/news/why-bereavement-support-matters/
Where your donation goes:
£10 Could pay for…
Travel costs for our volunteer drivers to transport people to and from Primrose Hospice.
£30 Could pay for…
Two family support counselling sessions for someone who is bereaved.
£50 Could pay for…
A day out for one of our bereavement support groups.
Hear Heather our Head of Family Support Services and Jenni our Children & Young People’s Practitioner Team Lead talking about why bereavement support is important in the video below: