Victor’s Memorial Game

Our Men’s Group were recently able to enjoy a memorial day at Bromsgrove Sporting Football Club in memory of Victor Aguera.

Victor was a member of the Primrose Hospice Men’s Group, a patient of our Clinical Nurse Specialists clinic and his wife and daughter are supported by our Family Support Service.

Victor was the secretary of the Bromsgrove Sporting Supports Association and a Bromsgrove Sporting Director. It was Victor’s wish for the Primrose Men’s Group to visit on match day and have a meal together to share his love of football.

Unfortunately, Victor wasn’t able to attend the match with our Men’s Group but they attended Victor’s memorial game in memory of him. It was the families wishes that we attended with them for a pre-match meal, sit with them throughout the match and catch up after the match to honor and celebrate Victor in the place he loved.

Christy Weatherby, Wellbeing Service Manager at Primrose Hospice said: “We enjoyed time with Victor’s family and friends throughout a very emotional day. Bromsgrove Sporting were very supportive of our group’s needs and made the day an amazing celebration of Victor’s life.”

All of our Men’s Group thoroughly enjoyed the day. It was an opportunity for them to spend time together – including singing and shouting at the football and having a few pre-match drinks. One of our group members attended with his son which gave them some time together to make memories.

Primrose Hospice & Family Support Centre would like to say a big thank you to Bromsgrove Sporting for their support throughout the day.

If you or someone you know would like to find out more about the support Primrose Hospice and Family Support Centre can offer you visit our website or contact us:

01527 871051