Children & Young People
When a family member has a life-limiting illness
At Primrose Hospice we are aware of the impact on children, young people and family members when a loved one is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. Children and young people are found to experience increased levels of anxiety, distress and low mood and are at risk of becoming disengaged with education, socially withdrawn and facing a world filled with uncertainty.
We understand how difficult it can be talking to children and young people about these illnesses. Our Children and Young People’s team is here to help. We can provide specialist support and advice to help them and guide you.
When someone special has died
We understand that, whether sudden or expected, the death of a family member will have a greater impact on families than most other life events. We are also aware that grief is both necessary and normal and needs to be acknowledged.
Children don’t always have the language or understanding to express how they feel. We understand that helping children to find creative and safe ways in which to express their feelings after someone special dies is hugely important, as is the ability to listen to their experience and story in relation to the death.
We know that children and young people can be helped to feel comfortable expressing feelings and thoughts associated with grief and that with the right support they can heal, develop and grow into resilient young adults.
If you would like further information regarding our referral criteria or would like to make a referral please contact Primrose Hospice Coppice Centre on:
Family Support Centre phone number: 01527 889799
To accept a referral we would require the following information:
Please note:
Through assessment we will establish what support is most appropriate: one to one support or group support or a combination
Support can be offered at the Coppice Centre located at Primrose Hospice, in school or in the community as appropriate.
Meet our dedicated Family Support team here.
Book recommendations – Bereavement
Book recommendations – Feelings
We would love to hear your thoughts about your experience at Primrose Hospice, so we can improve services.
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey here.
Our Family Support Service is supported by the TNL Community fund: